Photo by Joshua June
a 3 month journey to support, clarify, and honor YOU in your fullness
BEGINS August 2018!
You've spent so much time caring for your children, creating the foundation for your family ~ your values, parenting styles, your role as a care taker, house manager, and a contributor to the community. Now it's time to turn that mirror around and reflect it on YOURSELF!
✨ Are you the same person you were before having children?
✨ Have you been able to heal old wounds, stand firmly in your roots, be clear on your path and purpose OTHER than that of a mother?
👉🏽 If you are ready for a sacred space to be seen, heard, held, heal, and connect to your deepest passions and purpose, I welcome you with open arms to guide you on your journey!
The Skinny...
Our time together will include:
✨ 1 virtual call per module
✨ 1 CHECK IN call per module
✨ Accountability partner(s)
✨ Secret FB Group
✨ Variety of tools, rituals, and practices to help guide, support and empower you
✨ Total Investment: $139 per month, or $799 in full
Space is limited to 8 Mamas ready to stand in their truth and brilliantly shine!
Our journey begins August 2018
Our VIRTUAL gatherings will take place on the 1st + 3rd Tuesday of each month, August thru October at 1pm. They will also be recorded and made available for viewing for those of you not able to join live.
Our Check In calls are TENTATIVELY scheduled for the alternate Tuesdays of each month at 1pm.
Desire to further connect to see if this is a fit for you? Schedule a FREE 15 minute call with me HERE
Breakdown of OUR JOURNEY...
What's In your baggage?
Often we carry with us stories... lessons, protective measures, barriers, guards, untruths that guide us, keep us safe, but that also hinder us from living our life to the fullest expression of joy, love and excitement that we truly desire.
These stories that we carry may be about ourselves, children, partners, financial situation, and even familial lineage.
By unpacking our baggage and seeing what we carry, we can decide what's truly needed and what we are really ok with leaving behind.
womb story/ womb care
As women, mothers, and story tellers (see above), our wombs have an active role in our daily lives. For some of us, our wombs have carried stories of hurt, pain, abuse, promiscuity, negligence, illness, shame, guilt, and negligence.
During this month's time, we will explore what stories our wombs REALLY desire us to hear. We will also explore the various ways we can care for our wombs on a REGULAR basis to increase our creativity, ability to manifest, connection to our female ancestors, and Mama Earth herself.
your body is your temple
Not only are our wombs a sacred space on our bodies, but our ENTIRE beings are as well. During this time, we will explore ways to honor our bodies ~ how we see them, speak to them, nourish them, move them, allow them to rest, cleanse and adorn them.
Sex is a huge part of our lives. It's how many of us were conceived, it's how many of our children were conceived. Connecting to our sexual selves can have a huge impact on how we show up in the rest of the world. We will discuss how we can achieve our sexual needs in the grand scheme of our busy lives in ways that may be different, creative, and exciting!
how to keep the
flames burning
In this month's work, we will dig deep into our hearts' desires, our true longings for how we wish to show up on this planet. We will see, ignite and spark that which wants to be born!
you are the change
you wish to see
In our final month, we will realistically lay out how we can live out our lives with joy, excitement, ease, rest, grace, and peace. We will consider time for ourselves, our family, community and the world at large. By taking small steps, and with the support of the sisterhood we create, we will ~ and can ~ do it all!
how to make
time for it all
Desire to further connect to see if this is a fit for you? Schedule a FREE 15 minute call with me HERE
Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash