Well… to be honest, some people may still call be a b*tch but that’s just their opinion! They don’t know how far I’ve truly come to unbitch myself. It’s been hard work, and a lot of it I must say, but it’s work that’s truly paid off in a BIG way!
PMS is no joke. The wide range of symptoms we can experience that get lumped into the group of PMS is vast. Often it’s just a woman’s attitude, but really it’s EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL symptoms ~ like bloating, acne, cramping, tender breasts, fatigue, and irritability to name a few. For some these symptoms are FOR REAL. Like for real, for real. Like put me up for days, the best pain killers water, and green juice ain’t gonna help. But it will pass……. eventually, hopefully. Till next time when it all cycles back again.
My PMS mostly came in the form of irritability which is why I was often called a bitch. So yeah, though I argued folks down like my family, friends, strangers, and even coworkers, I eventually saw what they were referring to. Reluctantly I saw. What I learned over time was that I was in control. I could support my body in multiple ways so that I don’t have to carry around this stigma. I can create my own self and get the support I needed to not fall victim to such horrific whispers and labels. But how?
I started meditating. What I mean is that I started having conversations with my Higher Power. My God. My Supreme Divine Infinite. I realized I needed a better relationship with myself, with my body, and my WHOLE BEING really. I was hard on my body. Not intentionally so, but I feel like I was bred to WORK. In that process of redefining my relationship with myself, I found what my body needs at each of the various stages of my menstrual cycle. I relearned what was really happening at each stage and how I could support my body thru herbs, nutrition, various exercise, my schedule load, and rest. Yeah, rest. As a wife, mama of 2, and entrepreneur, rest was one of the last items of self care on my list.
In my search, I also found Vaginal Steaming and OH LAWD did my moods shift! Taking care of my vulva, of my womb, brings upon emotional support and balance that is a MUST now in my life. There’s a consciousness of my womb that I didn’t previously have. Yes, I am woman. I now claim that, live that, and honor the truth of what that means for me. I’ve also had some changes in my cycle over the more recent years and steaming has also helped create a healthier cycle that leaves me feeling good all over. So now, I can honestly say that even when my bleeding time is approaching, I don’t have to be a bitch. In fact, I’m not a bitch. Not like I used to be. I’m no longer a screaming, crazed lady about to lose her shit. Nope. Not I. No mas. No gracias.